Tuesday, November 11, 2008

What is Efficiency?

I often wonder if my life is as efficient as I'd like it to be. Why do I sometimes leave things incomplete at the end of the day?

This is when I remind myself that we cannot always do it all ourselves. My business coach, Suzanne Evans (suzanneevans.org, www.blueprintlifecoaching.com, www.helpmorepeople.com) points out that there is a limited amount of time in the day. We can either use it better or buy more of it. I am here to help you use your time better. If you have the resources to buy more time, then I can help you develop the best routine to accomplish all your tasks. If resources are tight, we'll work with what we have. Efficiency is not nessecarily getting it all done in one day.

Efficiency is the power to get the MOST done, in the lease time, for the lowest price.

To this end, I have finally launched my website. It is really just a splash page. The rest will follow shortly, as I write the text. I would rather spend my time helping others get organized than playing with my own website. Please check it out: www.efficientandorganized.com. Bookmark it so that you can come back to it as I start adding tips on how to efficiencize your business.

Until next time, stay organized.

Yoram Schwell

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Getting Started

Hello all. As this is the start of my business blog, I'll begin with an introduction. My name is Yoram Schwell, and I am an Efficiency Specialist. I create order and improve procedures. I have done this, innately, since childhood when I would rearrange my dresser every few months.

Since the start of my professional career I have held many titles. But with all of my positions I have also helped people get organized, and helped to institute productive systems - whether it was part of my job or not.

So now I am going public. I am here to help you get your business in gear. We'll get you up to peak performance. If you think time is being wasted, especially on those important, but often boring administrative tasks, then contact me.

"Why should I hire you," you may ask. "Why can't I just do it myself?" It's a fair question. You should hire me because 1. I am The Efficiency Specialist, and 2. Some people cannot do it themselves. The just don't have the organizational knack that I have. Other people, and this may be you, have the basic skills to do it, but not in their current setting. Do you really have the time to step back from all your work and think about how it can be done better? Who will do your work while you're thinking about it? Allow me to do it for you. My experience and natural skill mean that I will help you much faster than you would help yourself.

So give me a call (201-927-5207) or drop me an email and we'll get started right away.

Until next time, stay organized...